SCSI Description
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives 5–67
MODE SELECT (6) Command (15h) (continued)
Table 5–33 Read-Write Error Recovery Page — Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Value Description
Read Retry Count 4 Specifies the number of retries attempted for a failed read operation.
Correction Span 170 Specifies the maximum number of bits in a data sector that the
drive is allowed to correct. A value less than the default value can
cause an otherwise correctable error to be reported as
uncorrectable. If the initiator specifies a value larger than the default
value, the drive automatically rounds down the number to the
default value. A value of 0 causes the drive to use the default value.
The drive ignores any value placed in this field.
Head Offset Count 0 Not supported by the drive.
Data Strobe Offset 0 Not supported by the drive.
Write Retry Count 8 Specifies the number of retries attempted for a failed write
Recovery Time Limit 0 Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, that a retry is
attempted on a failed sector during a read or write operation. When
the value is 0, it means that there is no time limit. The mimum
permissible value, however, is 100 milliseconds.
NOTE: Fully supported and temporary fields are underlined. Unsupported and ignored fields are
not underlined. The PS bit is underlined, meaning it will be set on a MODE SENSE
command, since the page is savable