• Prevent modification of the browser’s status bar
If this option is enabled, the filter will prevent the status bar of the browser
from being modified by a Web page, i. e. scrolling text.
Animation Filter
The Animation Filter section looks like this:
Using this section, you can configure a filter to detect animated images. Ani-
mations will either be filtered completely or restricted in their execution.
If you want to use this filter, mark the checkbox next to the section heading.
After specifying this setting or any other setting in this section, click on Apply
Changes to make these settings effective.
Use the following radio buttons to configure animation filtering:
• Animated images
Use the radio buttons provided here according to the measures you want
the filter to take against animations:
— Show only the first picture of an animation
Make sure this button is checked to terminate an animation after show-
ing the first picture.
This option is enabled by default.
— Repeat animation . . . time(s)
Check this button to limit repetition of the animation.
In the input field provided here enter the number of times you want an
animation to repeat itself.
— Remove all animated images
Check this button to remove animation completely.