
About This Guide
The following overview lists the chapters of this guide and explains briefly what
they are about:
User’s Guide Webwasher SSL Scanner
Introduction Provides introductory information.
Home Describes basic features that are common to the SSL Scann er and
other Webwasher Web Gateway Security products.
Common Describes filtering features that are common to the SSL Scanner
and other Webwasher Web Gateway Security products.
SSL Scanner Describes the filtering features that are specific to the SSL Scanner.
What Else Will You Fin
d in This Introduction?
In addition to the overview that was given in the previous section, this intro-
duction also:
Explains how to h
andle the Web interface that is provided for using Web-
washer, see 1
Informs you about the other documents that are provided for users of Web-
washer, see 1
Provides a list of the Webwasher Web Gateway Security products and
gives a brief description for each of them, see 1