— Magic Bytes
In the input fields provided here, enter up to five magic byte sequences
and their offsets to identify a media type:
In the input fields of this column enter the offset values for the magic
byte sequences.
Magic Bytes
In the input fields of this column enter the values for the magic byte
sequences themselves.
— Add/Modify
After specifying the information for a media type, click on this button to
add it to catalog.
The list of the Media Type Catalog is displayed at the bottom of this section.
To display only a particular number of list entries at a time, type this number
in the input field labeled Number of entries per page and enter it using the
Enter key of your keyboard.
If the number of entries is higher than this number, the remaining entries are
shown on successive pages. A page indicator is then displayed, where you
can select a particular page by clicking on the appropriate arrow symbols.
To view the details of an entry or modify them, click on the view details o r
edit link in the same line. This will display the information that was configured
for it in the input fields and checkboxes of the upper part of the section, where
you can modify it according to your requirements.
After modifying this information, click on the Add/Modify buttontomakethe
modification effective. You can modify more than one entry and make the
changes effective in one go.
Use the following items to perform other activities relating to the list:
• Filter
Type a filter expression in the input field of the Media Type column at the
top of the list and enter it using the Enter key of your keyboard. The list
will then display only entries matching the filter.
• Delete Selected
Select the entry you wish to delete by marking the Select checkbox next
to it and click on this button. You can delete more than one entry in one go.
To delete all entries, mark the Select all checkbox and click on this button.