Page 38 Nucleus User Guide
wo soft keys sets are available for users to configure. These soft keys employ the Mode and V-Sel switches in channels 9-16:
The two soft key sets are called User 1 and User 2, and are activated by pressing the User 1 or User 2 switch, below the
Nucleus logo in the centre section. The top row of the scribble strip display indicates the Mode switch function, the bottom
row the V-Sel function. To return the Mode and V-Sel switches to their normal functions, deselect both User 1 or User 2
Each Mode switch can be run either as a simple soft key (triggering any DAW computer keyboard command or any command
within the relevant DAW protocol), or as a menu switch – each menu switch accesses a subset of soft keys laid out across the
V-Sel switches below:
Taking the V-Sel assignments which will be active with no Mode switches selected in to account, the two User soft key sets
can be configured to provide access to up to 144 functions. This is of course in addition to all of the other user-assignable
switches across the control surface.
The User 1 and User 2 soft key sets are programmed using the Nucleus Remote, as described in Section 5.