4.2. Main ten an ce sche du le
In iti al ope ra ti on: Check the ro ta tio nal di rec ti on of the va cu um
ge ne ra tors
Check the line sys tem
Ad just the suc ti on tube
Dai ly: Check war ning signs on equip ment for le gi bi li ty
and com ple te ness
Check the oil le vel in the oi ler
Emp ty the wa ter se pa ra tor
Check ope ra ting pres su re of the plant’s supp ly
net work (5-6 bar (72.52-87.02 PSI) sys tem over
pres sure)
Check the oil le vel in ro ta ry val ve pumps
Fol low the ma nu fac tu rer’s ope ra ting in struc tions
Wee kly/month ly: Cle an the fil ter car trid ge
(ac cor ding to the ac cu mu la ti on of dust)
Check that the main switch on the equip ment
is functio ning
Every six months: Re pla ce the fil ter car trid ge
(ac cor ding to the ac cu mu la ti on of dust)
Check the set tings on the le vel pro bes (if pre sent)
Check that all elec tri cal and me cha ni cal
con nec tions fit se cu re ly
Chan ge oil and oil fil ters on the ro ta ry val ve pumps
Fol low the ma nu fac tu rer’s ope ra ting in struc tions
Lu bri ca te the bea rings with high mel ting-point
grea se on the ro ta ry lobe va cu um pumps
Fol low the ma nu fac tu rer’s ope ra ting in struc tions
Main ten an ce sche du le
Main ten an ce 4-3