Tab le of con tents
1. Sa fe ty in struc tions ..........................................1-1
1.1. Ge ne ral.............................................1-1
1.2. For your sa fe ty.......................................1-2
1.3. For the ope ra ting sa fe ty of the equip ment .................1-5
2. Con cer ning the se Ope ra ting In struc tions .......................2-1
2.1. Ge ne ral In for ma ti on ................................... 2-1
2.2. War ning Mes sa ges and Sym bols ........................2-2
2.3. Ex pla na tions and De fi ni tions............................2-3
2.4. No tes on Usa ge ......................................2-4
3. Start-up ....................................................3-1
3.1. Ge ne ral.............................................3-1
3.2. Con trol sys tem.......................................3-2
3.2.1. Ope ra ti on ...................................3-2
3.2.2. Key as signment ..............................3-3
3.3. Swit ching on the con trol sys tem .........................3-3
3.4. Set ting the ba sic pa ra me ters ...........................3-4
3.5. Star ting the con vey ing pro ce du re ........................3-7
3.6. The first con vey ing ope ra tions ..........................3-7
3.7. Vie wing Alarm Mes sa ges ..............................3-8
3.8. Swit ching off the unit ..................................3-9
4. Main ten an ce ................................................4-1
4.1. Ge ne ral.............................................4-1
4.2. Main ten an ce sche du le.................................4-3
4.3. Chec king the di rec ti on of ro ta ti on of the va cu um ge ne ra tor ...4-5
4.4. Te sting the con duit sys tem .............................4-6
4.5. Ad ju sting the suc ti on tube ..............................4-7
4.6. Clea ning/re pla cing the fil ter car trid ge ..................... 4-8
4.7. Ser vi cing the ac ces so ries ..............................4-9