5.5. Pi pe work
When all the po si tions and ar ran ge ment for ma te ri al feed, hop per loa der and blo -
wer are de ter min ed, start as sem bling the pi pe work.
Ri gid pi pes should al ways be laid next to each ot her and the re should be the fol lo -
wing mi ni mum dis tan ces in bet ween:
40 mm (1.67 in.) pipe dia me ter...........75 mm (2.95 in.) cen ter dis tan ce
50 mm (1.97 in.) pipe dia me ter .......... 85 mm (3.35 in.) cen ter dis tan ce
65 mm (2.66 in.) pipe dia me ter ......... 150 mm (5.91 in.) cen ter dis tan ce
Lay ing the pipe can be done on wall bra ckets, ener gy supp ly brid ges or in ducts in
the floor. Com bi na tions are also pos si ble. De vi ces ac cor ding to the lo cal en vi ron -
ment have to be pro vi ded to al low for scre wing of the pi pes if they are laid on. The
dis tan ce bet ween the in di vi du al supp orts should not be more than 3 to 4 m
(9.84-13.12 ft) with smooth pi pes. El bows have to be fas te ned twi ce. Also it is ab -
so lu te ly ne ces sa ry to pro vi de sup port for con vey ing bran ches if the re are any.
Line lay ing is nor mal ly start ed with the suc ti on line, par ting from the blo wer. In iti -
al ly, a pie ce of fle xi ble line of ap prox. 1 m (3.38 ft.) should be pro vi ded to avoid the
trans fer of os cil la tions. Fle xi ble li nes have to be pus hed onto ri gid li nes and con -
nec ti on pie ces at a depth of at least 5 cm (1.97 in.) Use hose clamps for fas te ning.
Pi pes are con nec ted by me ans of wide band clamps and rub ber muffs. Plea se
check that the pi pes are free from gaps and that the clamp is tight. El bows have to
be in stal led (also in the suc ti on line) on joints from the ver ti cal to the ho ri zon tal
and whe re the di rec ti on chan ges. Mi nor di rec tio nal chan ges can be over co me by
ben ding straight li nes. A mi ni mum ben ding ra di us of 500 mm (19.79 in.) should al -
ways be ob ser ved (ener gy loss!).
When as sem bling con vey ing bran ches the mi ni mum dis tan ce bet ween ma chi ne
thro at cen ter and disch ar ge of con vey ing branch must be at least 1.5 m (4.92 ft.)
to avoid too small a ben ding ra di us. When ar ran ging the fle xi ble con nec ti on line
mo ve ments of the pro ces sing ma chi ne du ring ope ra ti on or du ring mould chan ge
have to be ta ken into con si de ra ti on! As sem bly of the con vey ing line is start ed at
ma te ri al ta keup . For line lay ing the same in struc tions gi ven for suc ti on line ap ply.
If PVC ho ses are used for con vey ing, they must be groun ded: draw out the cop per
lead on both ends of the hose and jam it bet ween hose and tube. For fas te ning,
use threa ded clamps.
Pi pe work
As sem bly in struc tions 5-4