4.5. Ad ju sting the suc ti on tube
To gua ran tee a trou ble-free ope ra ting run, the suc ti on tube must be ex act ly ad -
jus ted.
1. The suc ti on tube should be pla ced in the ba sic set ting
In the ba sic set ting, the in ner pipe of the suc ti on tube sticks out of the ou ter pipe
ap prox. 120-160 mm ..................................with Ø 40 mm
. (4.72-6.30 in) with (1.67 in)
approx. 150-180 mm.................................. with Ø 50 mm
.......(5.91-7.19 in) with (1.97 in)
approx. 180-200 mm.................................. with Ø 65 mm
.......(7.19-7.97 in) with (2.66 in)
2. Start the con vey ing pro cess.
3. Ob ser ve the fle xi ble line on the suc ti on tube.
The fle xi ble line must not be des cri bing any pul sa ting mo ve ments.
4. Ob ser ve the fle xi ble line on the se pa ra tor.
The supp ly hose may only move when con vey ing is ta king pla ce.
If conditions (points 3 + 4) are not fulfilled:
Pull the in ner pipe furt her out of the ou ter pipe un til the jer ky con vey ing stops.
If the conditions (points 3 + 4) are fulfilled:
Push the in ner pipe slowly into the ou ter pipe, un til a pul sa ting of the fle xi ble line
or a jer ky con vey ing starts.
Pull the in ner pipe back anot her bit, un til the li nes have stop ped pul sing.
Se lect the ad just ment bet ween the two pi pes in such a way that that the re is al -
ways suf fi cient air flow in the ma te ri al line.
If the con vey ing is pro cee ding sa tis fac to ri ly, tighten the wing screw on the suc ti on
Ad ju sting the suc ti on tube
Main ten an ce 4-7