1000000. 100000. 10000. 1000. 100. 10. 1.
.1 .01 .001 .0001
X1 X X D1 X
X10 X X D01 X
X100 X X D001 X
X1K X X D0001 X
X10K X
X100K X
D. Af ter the num ber is changed to the de sired value, press the EDIT key again to save the new value to
mem ory.
E. The LCD will dis play saved for ap prox i mately 1 sec ond and then redisplay the new set ting.
The Avail able PROGRAM pa ram e ters are shown be low along with a de scrip tion of how each pa ram e -
ter is ap plied. They are listed in the or der they ap pear in the PROGRAM menus.
Pa ram e ter De scrip tion Fac tory De fault
LCDCON LCD Con trast ad just ment. Avail able range is from 0 to 10. Use lower
set tings for best con trast in colder en vi ron ments and higher set tings for
best con trast in hot ter en vi ron ments.
420OUT 4-20 milliamp Out put as sign ment. Avail able as sign ments are: 0 = INWC or MMWC
Eng lish Units Ver sion: 0 = INWC (pri mary vari able), 1 = SCFM,
2 = ACFM, 3 = LBHR.
Met ric Units Ver sion: 0 = MMWC (pri mary vari able), 1 = NM3-HR,
2 = M3-HR, 3 = KG-HR
420_ZE 4 Milliamp Zero set ting. The 4 milliamp zero set ting ad justs the
milliamp lower range of the pri mary vari able (INWC or MMWC). The
avail able range is the nat u ral span of the dif fer en tial pres sure sen sor.
Set equal to the low
range of the natural
420_SP 20 Milliamp Span set ting. The 20 milliamp span set ting ad justs the
milliamp span value of the pri mary vari able (INWC or MMWC). The
avail able range is the nat u ral span of the dif fer en tial pres sure sen sor.
Set equal to the
upper range of the
natural span.
þNOTE: The 420_SP value (span) must al ways be greater than the 420_ZE
value (zero) for proper op er a tion.
F_SPAN Flow Span set ting. The flow span set ting con trols the up per 4-20
milliamp value as sign ment (turn down) when the 4-20 out put is as -
signed to the runtime cal cu lated flow vari ables (SCFM, ACFM, LBHR
or NM3-HR, M3-HR, KG-HR). The lower 4-20 milliamp value as sign -
ment is al ways ref er enced to zero (0). The avail able range is:
Eng lish Unit Ver sion: 0 to 10,000,000 (no units).
Met ric Unit Ver sion: 0 to 50,000,000 (no units).
Brandt Instruments, Inc. MST2000 Multivariable SMARTFLOW
Transmitter Page 13