
Ser vice: Clean, dry, non-corrosive Air or Gas. Other me dia may be pos si ble with the use of the Con -
tin u ous Purge op tion. Con sult fac tory .
Pres sure Ranges: Stan dard Pres sure Ranges:
Range 1: 0 to 0.10” (0 TO 2.54mm) W.C. Range 4: 0 to 4.0” (0 to 101.6mm) W.C.
Range 2: 0 to 0.25” (0 to 6.35mm) W.C. Range 5: 0 to 16.0” (0 to 406.4mm) W.C.
Range 3: 0 to 1.0” (0 to 25.4mm) W.C. Range 6: 0 to 50.0” (0 to 1270.0mm) W.C.
Out put Sig nals: An a log: 4-20 mA sig nal (Max. Loop re sis tance = 615 Ohms @ 24 VDC) is user pro gram ma -
ble to Dif fer en tial Pres sure or Flow Parameters. Ex ter nal in puts or pro grammed con stants
for tem per a ture and ab so lute pres sure along with con stants for Ef fec tive Area and Stan dard
Den sity, are nec es sary for a true flow mea sure ment.
Op tional Dig i tal: One (1) op tional dig i tal (open col lec tor) out put avail able. Ac ti va tion pro -
gram ma ble by end user.
Com mu ni ca tions: Op tional: dig i tal HART
Com mu ni ca tions mod ule. See Sec tion 13, page 23 for HART
com -
mu ni ca tion in for ma tion.
Alarms: Pro gram ma ble hard ware alarms, underrange and overrange.
Dis play: High Con trast, 2 line, al pha nu meric LCD with -20 to 150
F (-28 to 66
C) op er at ing tem per -
a ture.
Power Sup ply Re quired: 24 to 40 VDC loop power, min i mum 11 volts re quired at in puts.
Re verse Po lar ity Pro tec tion: Yes
Turn On Time: 4 sec onds (max i mum).
Tem per a ture Limits: Op er ating: -40 to 150
F (-40 to 66
C) Stor age: -40 to 180
F (-40 to 82
Overpressure Limits: Proof Pres sure: 10 PSID (0.7 Bar) Burst Pres sure: 50 PSID (3.45 Bar)
Max Line Pres sure: 50 PSIG (3.45 Bar).
Damping: Stan dard Time Con stant: 500 mSec. Ad di tional damp ing ad just able via in te gral key pad
from 0.5 to 5 Sec onds in 0.5 sec ond in cre ments.
Hu mid ity Limits: 100% Non-condensing, (MST2400 Only).
In puts: Stan dard: Non-isolated, 4 wire RTD in put con nec tion.
Op tional 4-20mA Iso lated In puts: In put ranges are soft ware rangeable.
& Ex ter nal Tem per a ture: 4-20mA In put
& Ex ter nal Ab so lute Pres sure: 4-20 mA In put
Op tional Dig i tal In put: One op tional dig i tal (TTL level) in put is avail able.
Ac cu racy: For spans from 40% to 100% of max i mum range with TD of 1:1 to 2.5:1 then ac cu racy =
0.15% of Re-ranged Span.
For spans from 20% to 39% of max i mum range with TD of 2.5:1 to 5:1 then ac cu racy =
(0.15 + 0.005 X TD)% of Re-ranged Span.
For spans from 10% to 19% of max i mum range with TD of 5:1 to 10:1 then ac cu racy =
(0.15 + 0.010 X TD)% of Re-ranged Span.
& TD = Max i mum Range / Re-ranged Span
Sta bil ity: 0.1% of Max i mum Range / 12 Months
Am bi ent Tem per a ture: Zero: No Ef fect Span: Less than 0.001% of Re-ranged Span per Deg F. Cor rected by in -
ter nal tem per a ture sen sor.
Mount ing Po si tion Ef fect: Mi nor ef fect on Zero. Cor rected by setup pa ram e ters.
Vi bra tion Ef fect: Less than 0.2% of Max i mum Range / g, 10-130 Hz.
En clo sure Types: MST2100: NEMA 1, An od ized Alu mi num. MST2400: NEMA 4X, Fi ber glass.
Pro cess Con nec tions: MST2100: 1/8” NPTF MST2400: 1/4” NPTF Stain less Steel
Elec tri cal Con nec tions: MST2100 & MST2400: Cage Clamp style ter mi nal block. 12-24 AWG wire size.
MST2400: ½” Liq uid-Tight flex i ble con duit con nec tions.
Weight: MST2100: 2.5 . (1.14 kg) MST2400: 8.0 lbs. (3.63 kg)
Page 6 MST2000 Multivariable SMARTFLOW
Transmitter Brandt Instruments, Inc.