
This man ual is de signed to op ti mize the per for mance of the MST2000 Se ries Loop Powered
Multivariable SMARTFLOW
Trans mit ter. The end user should read and re view it care fully be fore in -
stall ing, us ing or main tain ing the trans mit ter. The in for ma tion con tained in this man ual cor re sponds
to the re vi sion level of the soft ware shipped with your MST2000. You can down load a copy of the lat -
est ver sion of this man ual along with other in for ma tion from our web site.
It is the de sire of Thermo Brandt In stru ments that the MST2000 be setup and used as ef fec -
tively and ef fi ciently as pos si ble. If you have any ques tions or con cerns please con tact your
Thermo Brandt rep re sen ta tive or Thermo Brandt In stru ments at the fol low ing:
Tele phone: (919) 552-9011. Cus tomer Ser vice: Ex ten sion 28
Fac sim ile: (919) 552-9716
Web Ad dress: www.thermobrandt.com
E-mail: techsupp@brandtinstruments.com
Model Num ber............................................2
Spec i fi ca tions ............................................3
MST2100 Di men sional Draw ing...................................4
MST2400 Di men sional Draw ing...................................4
Sec tion 1, Mount ing and Pro cess Con nec tions ...........................5
Sec tion 2, Con tin u ous Purge Op tion ................................5
Sec tion 3, In te gral “High Pres sure” Blowdown Sys tem Op tion ...................6
Sec tion 4, Elec tri cal Con nec tions ..................................7
Sec tion 5, LCD Dis play and In te gral Key Pad............................7
Sec tion 6, MST2000 Op er a tional Modes and Startup........................8
Sec tion 7, Pro gramming.......................................9
Sec tion 8, Pro gram Pa ram e ters...................................10
Sec tion 9, Alarm Pro gramming In for ma tion .............................16
Sec tion 10, For mulas & Con ver sion Factors ............................19
Sec tion 11, Test Jack ........................................20
Sec tion 12, Op tional Mod ule In stal la tion ..............................20
Sec tion 13, MST2000 HART
Com mu ni ca tions In for ma tion ....................23
Sec tion 14, Wiring Di a grams ....................................26
Sec tion 15, CSA Haz ard ous Area Ap provals ............................28
Sec tion 16, Cal i bra tion of the MST2000 ..............................30
Thermo Brandt In stru ments’ MST2000 Se ries Loop Powered Multivariable SMARTFLOW
Trans -
mit ter pro vides the nec es sary ver sa til ity re quired to sat isfy to day’s de mand ing in dus trial pro cess ap -
pli ca tions. With pro gram ma ble con stants, in put/out put op tions and com mu ni ca tion fea tures the
MST2000 will con cur rently mea sure and/or ap ply the nu mer ous pro cess vari ables for a true mass flow
mea sure ment.
The MST2000’s con fig u ra tion is user friendly and is ac com plished through the in te gral key p ad (no ex -
ter nal soft ware or hard ware is re quired). The MST2000 is ca pa ble of pro duc ing and dis play ing sig nals
for Dif fer en tial Pres sure or for Flow . Op tional in put, dig i tal I/O and com mu ni ca tion mod ules can be in -
stalled at the fac tory or in the field as re quired.
Page 4 MST2000 Multivariable SMARTFLOW
Transmitter Brandt Instruments, Inc.
IMPORTANT: This man ual cov ers both the ENGLISH and METRIC Unit Ver sions of the MST2000 op er -
at ing soft ware. The ENGLISH or METRIC con fig u ra tion must be se lected at the time of or der and con -