
Align the ISO Mod ule such that the re set but ton and LED are to ward the LCD and fac ing up. The
con nec tor will be on the bot tom of the board. Snap the ISO Mod ule into the stand offs while mak ing
sure the con nec tor and header are prop erly aligned.
h. Re place the cover.
i. Hook up the MST2000 as per the ter mi nal block wir ing di a gram on page 7.
j. Ap ply Power to the MST2000.
C. Programming the MST2000 to recognize the ISO Module(s)
Re view Sec tion 7 on Pro gramming and Sec tion 8 on Pa ram e ters.
b. De pending on which slot the ISO Mod ule was in stalled, se lect one of the fol low ing pa ram e ters to edit:
TMPSRC: Tem per a ture Source.
APRSRC: Ab so lute Pres sure Source.
Use the INC or DEC but tons to scroll to ‘1=EXT’ (1 = EX Ter nal)
f. Press the EDIT key to save this change to memory.
D. Calibrating the ISO Module
a. Ex ter nal Ab so lute Pres sure Trans mit ter ISO Mod ule . Re view the Pro gram Pa ram e ters in sec tion 8.
i. Con nect a 4-20 mA source to the Ab so lute Pres sure Trans mit ter ISO Mod ule in put ter mi nals
(marked EXTIN 1). See ter mi nal block draw ing on page 7.
Make sure pa ram e ter aprSRC (Ab so lute Pres sure Zero Source) is set to 1 (1 = EX Ter nal).
Set the EX_APZ (Ab so lute Pres sure Zero) pa ram e ter.
Set the APZCAL (Ab so lute Pres sure Zero Cal i bra tion) pa ram e ter:
! Press the Edit key. Dis play will change to read IN4mA.
. ! Ap ply 4.0 milliamps. Press the Edit Key to read and store the 4 milliamp cal i bra tion value.
Set the EX_ABS (Ab so lute Pres sure Span) pa ram e ter.
Set the APSCAL (Ab so lute Pres sure Span Cal i bra tion) pa ram e ter.
! Press the Edit key. Dis play will change to read IN20mA.
. ! Ap ply 20.0 milliamps. Press the Edit Key to read and store the 20 milliamp cal i bra tion value.
þNOTE: For those MST2400 with the Integral Absolute Pressure Transmitter option installed , the ISO
Module has been calibrated at the factory.
Page 24 MST2000 Multivariable SMARTFLOW
Transmitter Brandt Instruments, Inc.