7 CentreWare Internet Services
Connectivity Protocols
TCP/IP (continued)
DNS Configuration:
• Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically – Allows
you to enable or disable the automatic setting of the
IPv4 DNS server address via DHCP.
• Preferred DNS Server – Enter the IPv4 address for
the DNS domain primary server.
• Alternate DNS Server 1 - 2 – Enter the IPv4
addresses for the DNS domain alternate server 1
and 2.
• Obtain IPv6 DNS Server Address Automatically –
Allows you to enable or disable the automatic setting
of the IPv6 DNS server.
• Preferred DNS Server – Enter the IPv6 address for
the DNS Domain primary server address.
• Alternate DNS Server 1 - 2 – Enter the IPv6
addresses for the DNS Domain alternate server 1
and 2.
• Dynamic DNS Registration (IPv4) – Specify whether
to enable dynamic DNS server updates and/or to
overwrite DNS settings upon updates.
• Dynamic DNS Registration (IPv6) – Specify whether
to enable dynamic DNS server updates and/or to
overwrite DNS settings upon updates.
• Generate Domain Search List Automatically –
Select whether or not to automatically generate the
domain search list.
• Domain Name 1 - 3 – Enter the domain names for
the domain name 1 to 3.
• Connection Time-Out – Specify the maximum time
period allowed for searching domains.
• DNS Resolution via IPv6 First – Select whether or
not to prioritize the resolution of the IPv6 DNS name
over the IPv4 DNS name when [IP Mode] is set to
[Dual Stack].
• Release Registration – Allows DHCP resources to
be released when the machine is powering down.
This is a display-only item and shows “Enabled”.
Zero-Configuration Networking:
• Self Assigned Address (IPv4) – Allocates an IPv4
address without using a DHCP server. This check
box is selected when [IP Address Resolution] is set
to [Autonet]. This is a display-only item.
• Self Assigned Address (IPv6) – Displays “Enabled”.
This is a display-only item.
Feature Setting items