15 Problem Solving
016-786 The scanned data could not be written due to insufficient space on the hard disk.
Delete unnecessary data, or initialize the hard disk if the saved data are not
016-787 The server IP address set to the job template is incorrect. Specify the correct job
016-788 Failed to retrieve the file from the web browser. Take one of the following
actions, and then try retrieving again.
• Refresh the browser page.
• Restart the browser.
• Switch the machine off and then back on.
016-789 The mail processing was interrupted due to insufficient hard disk space. Lower
the image resolution or reduction/enlargement ratio, or divide the document into
smaller segments to send.
016-791 Access to the destination for the Scan to PC service or to the Network Scanning
server application failed. Check if you are authorized to access the specified
destination or server.
016-792 A job history report was to be printed, but the specified job history could not be
retrieved. The specified job history is not available.
016-793 The hard disk has run out of space. Delete unnecessary data, or initialize the
hard disk if the saved data is not needed.
016-794 The media was incorrectly inserted. Insert the media correctly.
A read error occurred on the media. Check the contents stored on the media
using a computer.
016-798 The print job could not be processed. The hard disk drive or memory may not be
installed properly on the machine, or may be damaged. Contact the Xerox
Welcome Center.
016-799 The print data contains invalid parameters. Check the print data and print
options, and try printing again.
016-981 A HDD access error occurred. The HDD is full. Divide pages to reduce the size
of a job, or lower the resolution. Or, delete unnecessary Secure-Print, Delayed-
Print, pending-fax, or mailbox documents to increase the HDD free space.
016-982 The hard disk has run out of space. Delete unnecessary data from the hard disk
or documents in mailboxes.
016-985 The e-mail size exceeded the maximum size. Try one of the following
procedures, and resend the e-mail.
• Reduce the number of document pages.
• Lower the scan resolution using [Resolution].
• Reduce the document size using [Reduce/Enlarge].
• Increase the maximum value using [Maximum E-mail Size] on the [Tools]
018-400 An IPSec setting error occurred. The preshared key or device certificate, which
is required for the selected authentication method, is not specified. Specify the
preshared key or device certificate according to the authentication method.
018-500 The job cannot be printed with the specified print parameter combination (i.e.,
file size, paper size, paper tray, 2-sided print request, output tray, etc.). Set the
appropriate combination of print parameters and try again.
Code Description and Remedy