Services Fax (continued) • Edit – Displays the [General] page, which allows you
to configure the following settings:
- Job Log: Specify whether to include user names
and/or the domain names on job logs.
- Confirmation Sheet: Specify whether to have a
confirmation sheet printed with each fax
transmission. Confirmation sheets can be always
printed, not printed, or printed only upon an error.
Fax Repository Setup
This is displayed when [Fax Service] under [Fax
Settings] is set to [Scan to Fax Server].
Fax Destination:
• Protocol - Select a transfer protocol from [FTP],
[SMB], and [SMTP].
• Host Name/IP Address & Port – Enter the host
name/IP address and post number of the transfer
• Share – Enter the shared name. This appears only
when [SMB] is selected in [Protocol].
• Document Path – Specify the path to the file
repository using up to 128 characters.
• Login Name – Specify the login name to use.
• Password – Specify the password for the login
• Retype Password – Re-enter the password for
Fax Received Options
Mailbox Selector:
• Mailbox Selector Setup – Select whether or not to
sort received documents into the mailboxes by the
incoming line.
Mailbox Selector Setup:
• Change Settings – Selecting the check box of the
incoming line to be edited and clicking this button
displays a page which allows you to edit the
following information for the selected line.
- Save Incoming Fax in Designated Mailbox: Specify
whether to save incoming faxes in the specified
- Mailbox Number: Enter the number of the mailbox
in which to save incoming faxes.
Feature Setting items