Fault Codes
018-501 The machine did not have a server certificate/secret key when it was powered
on, and thus could not enable the SSL server required for Xerox Secure Access
authentication. Generate a server certificate or disable the Xerox Secure
Access feature.
Your computer is not permitted to log in to the SMB server. Check the properties
settings of your user account to see if your computer has access permission to
the SMB server.
018-504 Connection to the Xerox Secure Access server has timed out. Try the
authentication process again.
One of the following problems has occurred.
If the error occurred during SMB authentication:
• The user ID or passcode you entered was not correct, and thus the
authentication failed.
• The time setting of the SMB server and that of the machine do not match
(Windows Server 2003 only).
If the error occurred during SMB file transfer using Scan to PC:
• The user ID or passcode you entered was not correct, and thus the login to
the SMB server failed.
• The time setting of the SMB server and that of the machine do not match
(Windows Server 2003 only).
• The user is not permitted to use Windows Sharing (Mac OS X 10.4 only).
Take one of the following actions.
• Check with the System Administrator for the correct user ID and passcode.
• Make sure to match the time setting of the SMB server and that of the
machine (Windows Server 2003 only).
• Check if you are permitted to use Windows Sharing (Mac OS X 10.4 only).
018-507 The authentication with the Xerox Secure Access server was not successful due
to a communication error, machine internal error, or code error. Try the
authentication process again.
018-508 The Xerox Secure Access server did not recognize the user ID or password you
entered. Enter the correct user ID and password and try again.
018-509 A parameter in the template is invalid. Check the parameters specified in the
018-524 A network error occurred. The probable cause are as follows:
1) The DNS server is not registered on the machine, but the server is specified
in the job template with the domain name.
2) The protocol (SMB, FTP, etc.) specified in the job template is not enabled on
the machine.
018-525 The partition for job templates is full in the HDD, or the HDD is defective. Wait
for a while, and try again. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center if the problem
018-526 A scanning error occurred. The machine is now polling job templates. Wait for a
while, and try again.
018-527 An internal error occurred. Wait for a while, and try again. Contact the Xerox
Welcome Center if the problem persists.
018-528 A scanning error occurred. Check if the Custom Services settings are correct.
018-529 During the Custom Services scanning process, another Custom Services scan
job was requested. Wait for a while, and try again.
Code Description and Remedy