Technical information
DocuTech 61xx Operator Guide 7-11
Using various stocks
The following table lists stock that have been evaluated and
tested for use in this system. There are many other stocks
available, some of which may not provide the same degree of
user satisfaction. Refer to the “Using non-standard stock” section
in this guide.
Weight Substance 16 to 110 (60 to
200 g/m2)
Substance 110 (200 g/m2)
must be long grain.
Weights outside the limits
shown are not
Type or
Xerographic bond paper in
good condition
Drilled stock, fanned
Slightly curled paper
Paper with reinforced edges
Do not use excessively
curled paper
Refer to the “Using various
stocks” section for any stock
not defined in this guide.
Table 7-9. Satisfaction guide for 2-sided printing
Reliable feeds may be
Less reliable feeds may be
expected Suggested alternatives
Table 7-10. Satisfaction guide for various stocks
Stock type Instructions for use
Substance 13 (49 g/m2)
Use trays 3,4,or 5.
Do not run 2-sided prints.
Load the paper with seam side down into tray 3.
Optimum satisfaction can be expected with 8.5 x
11 inch (216 x 279 mm) or larger paper.
Substance 16 (60 g/m2)
Load paper with seam side up into trays 1 and 2;
seam side down into tray 3, 4, or 5.
Optimum satisfaction can be expected from tray
3, 4, or 5.
Substance 20 (75 g/m2)
Load the paper with seam side up into trays 1
and 2; seam side down into trays 3, 4, and 5.
Card stock
Xerox substance 65 (176
Substance 110 (200 g/m2)
long grain (index)
Card stock can be run from any tray.
Reduce set size if frequent paper jams or
bindexer jams occur. If collated unfinished,
another solution is to lower the value of the
bindexer capacity set in the SWITCHES mode.