
Technical information
DocuTech 61xx Operator Guide 7-15
Finisher satisfaction guides
The following guides summarize the stacker, stitcher, binder, and
top tray capabilities.
10 inches (254 mm) to less
than 11 inches (279 mm)
Because the 11 inch transfer mechanism
is used for all stock lengths less than 11
inches (279 mm), there is an increased
risk of contaminating the back side of
sheets after switching back to longer
11.2 inches (284 mm) to less
than 11.5 inches (292 mm)
11.9 inches (302 mm) to less
than 12.2 inches (310 mm)
13.5 inches (343 mm) to less
than 13.7 inches (348 mm)
Unresolved stock size mismatch conflict
messages may occur for stock lengths in
these ranges. Job and stock
programming work-arounds may be
Table 7-12. Stock length impact on system performance
Stock length Impact on performance
Table 7-13. Stacker capacity
Reliable stacking may be
Less reliable stacking may
be expected Suggested alternatives
Size 8 x 10 inches to 9 x 14
inches (203 x 254 mm to
229 x 356 mm)
Use the top tray for larger
Weight Substance 16 to 20 (60 to
75 g/m2)
Weights outside the limits
shown are not recommended.
Set or stack
Substance 16 to 20 (60 to
75 g/m2)
Over substance 20 (75 g/
m2) stock as sets or stacks
increases the likelihood of
bindexer jams.
When using copy paper
heavier than substance 20 (75
g/m2), limit the stack or set
size by dividing the set into
parts. Combine prints when
completed and finish offline, if
required. For collated
unfinished sets, the maximum
sheet capacity of the bindexer
can be set to between 50 and