
Problem solving
6-8 DocuTech 61xx Operator Guide
Binder tape is too long
or too short on the
bottom edge of the
output prints
Adjust the binder tape length using the procedure entitled "Adjusting the
binder tape registration" in the "Routine maintenance" chapter.
If an adjustment is made to the binder tape length during a job, it will not
take effect until the next job is printed. If it is necessary to adjust the binder
tape length during a job, adjust it using the procedures in the on-line help.
Loose binder tape
along the spine of the
completed bound
This is a symptom of excessive moisture in the tape. Replace the tape reel
with a new reel using the procedure, "Replacing the binder tape reel," in
the "Routine maintenance" chapter.
Refer to the binder tape storage guidelines in this guide.
Repeated tape
feeding problems,
such as binder tape
not unwinding from
the reel
If the binder tape is sticking together, or if there are cosmetic defects in the
bound book, replace the tape reel with a new reel using the procedure,
"Replacing the binder tape reel," in the "Routine maintenance" chapter.
Refer to the binder tape storage information in this guide.
Refer to the binder cleaning information in this guide.
Refer to information on calling the Customer Support Center in this guide.
Stitcher fault codes
displayed in the fault
Fault Code P12-218
Fault Code P12-219
Select the [Finishing] button on the Printer Manager window. Deselect
[Stitcher] on the Finishing window and refer to the procedure, "Calling for
assistance," in this guide.
Stitcher A problems. Perform the procedure, "Clearing a stitcher spool A
fault," in this guide.
Stitcher B problems. Refer to information on calling the Customer Support
Center in this guide.
Poor stitch quality or
short stitches
Reliable stitching can be expected with up to 65 sheets of substance 20
(75 g/m2) or 0.28 inch (7 mm) thick sets. Less reliable stitching can be
expected with over 70 sheets of substance 20 (75 g/m2).
Running intermixed stock heavier than substance 20 (75 g/m2) will reduce
the capacity of the stitcher.
To avoid short clinches, use the stitch override only when using a
lightweight paper. Stitch override allows the system to run beyond the
stitching limit. The system will shut down at 125 sheets.
Reduce the stock weight to enable the stitching of more sheets per set.
Refer to the satisfaction guides in the "Technical information" chapter.
Table 6-3. Resolving a finisher problem