
Chapter 1
Insertion effect
System effects
Chorus effect
The chorus effect is dedicated to chorus. It adds spacious-
ness and depth to the sound.
In Effect mode, you can select one of 11 Effect Types, and
modify parameter values to adjust the character of the cho-
rus. Effect mode settings are remembered independently for
each song.
In Pattern mode, you can use Pattern Effect settings to se-
lect one of 11 Effect Types for each pattern, and modify
parameter values to adjust the character of the chorus.
Variation effect
The variation effect provides 43 types of effect including
reverb and chorus, and also distortion and overdrive etc.
In Effect mode, you can select one of 43 Effect Types, and
modify parameter values to adjust the character of the ef-
fect. Effect mode settings are remembered independently
for each song.
In Pattern mode, you can use Pattern Effect settings to se-
lect one of 43 Effect Types for each pattern, and modify
parameter values to adjust the character of the effect.
System Effects and Insertion Effects
The effects of the effect block are divided into two types of
effect which function in completely different ways: system
effects and insertion effects.
On the QY700, the reverb effect and the chorus effect are
system effects, and the variation effect can be set either as a
system effect or an insertion effect.
In the case of a system effect, effect processing is performed
by using the mixer Send and Return controls to send sig-
nals from each tone generator Part to the effect and then
return the processed signal to the mixer.
In the case of an insertion effect, the effect is connected in
series between the instrument and the mixer, and adjusted
using the Dry/Wet Balance. On the QY700, an insertion
effect can be used on any one specified Part.
System effects and insertion effects are defined within “XG.”
This means that if you use a tone generator bearing the XG
logo, you can use effects not only in a “minimal” way by
simply applying chorus and reverb, but also in a more ag-
gressive way to create the fundamental character of the
How the effects work
Variation mode = Insertion
When Variation mode is set to Insertion, the three effects
will be connected as shown in the diagram below.
Of the 32 parts of the tone generator block, the signals of
the part specified by the Voice mode Variation Switch 1
will be input to the variation effect, and the variation effect
will be applied here.
The signals of all tone generator parts including the above-
mentioned part will be sent to the reverb effect and the cho-
rus effect according to the Voice mode settings Reverb Send
Level 2 and Chorus Send Level 3. Here you can adjust
the depth of the effect for each part.
To adjust the overall depth of each effect, use the Effect
mode settings Reverb Return Level 4 and Chorus Return
Level 5. Here you can adjust the amount of the signal re-
turned from each effect, determining the overall depth of
each effect.
The stereo location of the effect output is determined by the
Effect mode settings Reverb Pan 6 and Chorus Pan 7.
A bus line called Send Chorus To Reverb 8 connects the
chorus effect to the reverb effect. By using this bus line you
can connect the chorus effect and reverb effect in series.