Model AC2000A
3.2 RS-232
The AC2000A-S can be controlled via a serial device. From the serial port,
you have full control over the operation of the front-panel buttons plus
many more capabilities. Terminal emulator or ASCII software is required.
An example is Microsoft Windows HyperTerminal (generally found in
the START->Programs->Accessories->Communication folder)
Note on RS-232 port availability on your PC
Most PCs and notebooks do not have a serial port. So to program
the Switch you may need a USB to RS-232 Serial converter.
These are available from Black Box.
3.2.1 Configure HyperTerminal
- Connect direct to COM1, COM2, or any available COM port
- 4800 Baud, 8 bits, No Parity, 1 Stop bit, No flow control
- Settings per following figures:
To enter into the serial command mode after connecting this unit to
the PC; the following text must be sent along with a carriage return