MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation
4.11 Effect Macro
4.11.1 Effect Macro Overview
Effect macro is a parameter set that can be used to store groups of preset independent effect
modules, control change parameter assignments, DSP system effect send level, etc.
Effect macro selection is performed by changing the Num parameter of the patch parameter effect
macro select parameter group. See the "4.8 Effects" for details.
4.11.2 Effect Parameter Control Message Format
tt 0100aaaa aaaa = IPC..."SYSEX_ACT_IPC" = 00H
d0[0] 00100000 20H Parmeter Modify Message-ID
d0[1] 0000cccc cccc = Category = CAT_SUB = 05H
d0[2] 0ttttttt 0TTTTTTT0ttttttt = Type ID = _SubIdFxMacro = 0CH
d0[3] 0TTTTTTT
d0[4] 0mmmmmmm 0MMMMMMM0mmmmmmm = MDEV ID = RAM = 2F00H
d0[5] 0MMMMMMM
d0[6] 0sssssss 0SSSSSSS0sssssss = 0000H
d0[7] 0SSSSSSS
d0[8] 0nnnnnnn 00NNNNNNNnnnnnnn = PS Number = Corresponds to Fx Macro
d0[9] 0NNNNNNN DSP Number
0...DSP1 Fx Macro
1...DSP2 Fx Macro
2...DSP3 Fx Macro
3...DSP4 Fx Macro
d0[10] 0ppppppp qqPPPPPPPppppppp = Parameter ID
d0[11] 0PPPPPPP = Target operation FX Macro ParmeterID
(See next section.)
d0[12] 0rbbbbqq bbbb = number of parameter block - 1 = 01H
r = array flag
The PS Name for each effector is array type data, so r = 1.
Other parameters are non-array type data, so r = 0.
d1[0] 0iiiiiii 0iiiiiii = block-0 = 00H
d1[1] 0jjjjjjj 0jjjjjjj = block-1 = Struct Number
Structure number attached to the parameter
This meaning depends on the parameter. See the next section for details.
✩ Number of data and data array number in the case of Fx Macro Name(array) only
When r = 1 only (d2[0] to d2[2])
d2[0] 0ooooooo
d2[1] 0ppppppp oooooooppppppp = top index number of array to send
(Send start array number)
Fx Name length is 32, so this value is 0000H to 001FH.
d2[2] 0qqqqqqq qqqqqqq = number of array members to send
(Number of send members in current packet)
Fx Name length is 32, so this value is 0001H to 0020H.
✩ One data size (number of bits) minus 1
d3[0] 000zzzzz
zzzzz = number of bits - 1
When zzzz + 1 is: The number of data bytes is:
1to 7 1
8to14 2
15 to 21 3
22 to 28 4
29 to 35 5
For example, Fx Macro Name is 7-bit data, so zzzzz = 6.
✩ Parameter Values
Non-Fx Macro Name, 7 bits or less
d4[0] 0xxxxxxx xxxxxxx = Data
Non-Fx Macro Name, 8 to 14 bits
d4[0] 0xxxxxxx XXXXXXXxxxxxxx = Data
d4[1] 0XXXXXXX
Non-Fx Macro Name, 15 to 21 bits
d4[0] 0xxxxxxx yyyyyyyXXXXXXXxxxxxxx = Data
d4[1] 0XXXXXXX
d4[2] 0yyyyyyy
Fx Macro Name
d4[0] 0xxxxxxx xxxxxxx = character string 0
d4[1] 0xxxxxxx xxxxxxx = character string 1
d4[31] 0xxxxxxx xxxxxxx = character string 31
4.11.3 Parameter Type ID, Size, Index Num, Bit Width, Value Range
✩ Basic Parameter
ParaID Parameter Bit*Len Value
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0000 Fx Name 7*32 20H - 7EH
0001 Stereo 1 0...Mono
0002 Size 1 0...Single
✩ Fx Select Parameter
The following parameters specify the Fx to be assigned to Segment.
ParaID Parameter Bit*Len Value
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0003 Fx Type 16 0000H - 7F7FH
0004 Fx Num 16 0000H - Maximum for Fx
In these parameters, d1[1] indicate Segment#. Segment# is the Fx segment number within the
DSP assigned by that Fx Macro.
✩ Send Level Parameter
ParaID Parameter Bit*Len Value
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0005 Chorus Send 7 0 - 127
0006 Reverb Send 7 0 - 127