professional control surface
Artist Series
4.3.3 SOLO
The SOLO key lights red when that strip’s track is soloed and is unlit otherwise.
4.3.4 SEL
Pressing a fader’s SEL key selects that track in the application and attentions it
on the MC Control. The SEL key lights yellow when the track is selected and is
unlit otherwise. All knob functions operate on the attentioned track.
NOTE: Some applications allow selecting multiple tracks if the Shift key on the work-
station is held down while selecting tracks. In this case, the attentioned track
is the one whose SEL key was most recently pressed.
4.3.5 ASSIGN
Press the ASSIGN key to display the Assign tab in the EuControl Settings dialog
(see Assign on page 56).
4.3.6 REC
Press the REC key to enable recording on a track. The REC key lights red to indi-
cate that track is enabled (armed) for recording. Press the REC key to cancel a
track enabled for recording.
NOTE: Some applications blink the REC LED when armed but not recording and light
solid when recording.
4.3.7 AUTO
To change the application’s automation mode on a track, press the AUTO key
until the desired automation mode displays on the Touchscreen.