D8B Manual • Chapter 4 • page 132
❏ Exit Write Ready mode in the Options>Automation
❏ Start Playback/Record Device and Verify MTC
❏ Press the Write Button(s) on the Desired Channels
❏ Adjust Automation Parameters on the WRITE-
Enabled Channels
❏ Exit Record and Rewind to Beginning of Track
❏ Start Playback from Beginning of Track
❏ Repeat this Action for More Parameters
Write Punch-in Summary Checklist
❏ Choose Automation Mode (All Modes Function as
❏ Start Playback/Record Device and Verify MTC
❏ Use Channel Faders to Boost or Cut Previously
Automated Channel Data
❏ Exit Record and Rewind to Beginning of Track
❏ Start Playback from Beginning of Track
❏ Repeat this Action for More Parameters
❏ Exit Trim Levels to Return Faders to Normal Mode
Trim Levels Summary Checklist
❏ Exit the AUTO TOUCH and/or TRIM LEVELS Mode
❏ Activate the Desired Automation Parameters
❏ Select Write Ready mode in Options>Automation
❏ Press WRITE on All Desired Automation Channels
❏ Start the Playback Device
❏ Press the D8B Record Button
❏ Adjust faders, mutes, or any selected parameters
on the WRITE enabled channels
❏ Exit Record and Rewind to Beginning of Track
❏ Start Playback from Beginning of Track
❏ Repeat this Action for more channels and
Write Ready Summary Checklist
subtracts the same amount from a previously
adjusted automation track. For example, when used
for faders, all moves are maintained but the overall
volume changes.
• Press TRIM LEVELS in the control surface
Automation section, on-screen Locator window,
or in the Options>Automation menu. Notice that
the faders all snap to unity position.
Choose Automation Mode
Even though TRIM LEVELS is selected and
the faders all move to unity position, the automa-
tion modes still retain their operational character.
Use Channel Faders to Boost or Cut Previously
Automated Channel Data
• The faders automatically set at unity so they can
be easily used to boost or cut the previously
adjusted track content.
• This is an excellent mode to globally adjust
channel levels.
• Simply raise or lower the fader level to boost or
cut the sum of your previous adjustments for the
selected channel.
Auto Touch, Write Punch-in, and Write Ready
Modes Function in TRIM mode, also
Automate EQ, Dynamics, and Effects
Automation of EQ, dynamics, and effects is simple.
• Select automation mode (ALL).
• Start the playback/record device.
• Activate automation record command.
• Make changes.
In order for these parameters to record, ALL
must be selected in the control surface AUTOMA-
TION section, on-screen Locator window, or in the
Options/Automation window.
Automation Procedural Checklists
These checklists are designed as skeletal
reminders of the processes previously described. If
you follow them and have a basic understanding of
the D8B automation system, they’ll help instill an
efficient automation procedure.
❏ Automation In Bypass
❏ Clear Automation
❏ Save Session As…
❏ Set Up Rough Mix
❏ Save Snapshot For Safety
❏ Route Time Code (MTC) From Playback Device to
D8B MIDI Input
❏ Verify MTC at D8B Transport SMPTE Window
❏ Set Default Levels…
❏ Exit Bypass Mode
❏ Select Parameters
❏ Any Combination of Faders, Mutes, Pans, and All
Automation Start-up Procedure
❏ Enter Auto Touch Mode
❏ Start Playback Device
❏ Move a Channel Fader
❏ Exit Record and Rewind to Beginning of Track
❏ Start Playback from Beginning of Track
❏ Repeat this Action for More Parameters
Auto Touch Summary Checklist