
Can’t use the function as-
signed to the foot switch.
If “Regist Shift” (change Registra-
tions) is “RIGHT” or “LEFT,” the
foot switch will be dedicated to
switching the Registration.
Turn “Regist Shift” off.
p. 162
When the human voice “Jazz
Scat” is selected, playing dy-
namics do not change the
The setting of “Initial Touch” is
turned OFF.
Turn “Initial Touch” off.
p. 158
Rotary effect is not be ap-
Some sounds do not allow the rotary
effect to be applied.
This is not a malfunction.
- - -
Chorus effect does not apply.
Some sounds do not allow the cho-
rus effect to be applied.
This is not a malfunction.
- - -
When you release your fin-
gers from keys in the Lower
keyboard while Automatic Ac-
companiment and Rhythm
are playing, the Rhythm per-
formance only remains play-
Chord Hold is at OFF. Turn “Chord Hold” on.
The Automatic Accompaniment will
play while you press a chord. If
Chord Hold is turned ON, the Auto-
matic Accompaniment will continue
playing with the Rhythm even when
you take your hand off of the Lower
p. 165
When you release your fin-
gers from keys in the Lower
keyboard, the notes continue
The Lower Voice [Hold] button is at
Press the Lower Voice [Hold] button
to turn it off (dark).
p. 56
Even though you press only
one key, a multiple number of
notes sound.
Harmony Intelligence is at ON. Turn “Harmony Intelligence” off. p. 106,
p. 109
Chord Intelligence is turned ON. Turn “Chord Intelligence” off. p. 164
Sound is produced when you
take your finger off a key.
You have selected a “Marimba” or
“Banjo” sound.
This is not a malfunction.
If you select a “Marimba” or “Banjo”
sound, a sound will also be pro-
duced when you take your finger off
the key.
- - -
Automatic Accompaniment
sounds odd.
The keys for a chord were not
pressed simultaneously.
Either turn on the Chord Intelligence
function, or play the chord correctly.
p. 164
When Chord Intelligence is OFF, the
chord is not being pressed correctly.
Either turn on the Chord Intelligence
function, or play the chord correctly.
p. 164
When performance data from a de-
vice other than the AT-90S/80S/60S
is being played together with the
Automatic Accompaniment, the Au-
tomatic Accompaniment may not be
sounded correctly.
This is not a malfunction.
- - -
Rhythm sounds odd.
When performance data from a de-
vice other than the AT-90S/80S/60S
is being played together with the
Automatic Accompaniment, the
Rhythm performance may not be
sounded correctly.
This is not a malfunction.
- - -
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