Roland XP-80 Musical Instrument User Manual

The “Dance Kit” disk contains carefully selected sounds and music data geared toward the cur-
rent dance music scene. By using this disk, you will be able to hear for yourself how the XP-80
can be used to its full potential. Maybe it will provide some hints which can be used for your
own music!
In the “Dance Kit” you will find the following data and materials:
Demo songs: 6
Demo songs (for RPS): 14
Data files: 1 (DANCEKIT.SVD)
“DANCEKIT.SVD” contains 128 patches, 32 performances, and 2 rhythm sets.
Before listening to the demo data on the disk, you have to overwrite your User memory and
System memory. If you have created any important data in the XP-80, be sure to back up your
data onto another disk first.
To store your data onto a disk, press the [DISK], press the numeric key [2], the [ENTER] to call
up the Save display (DISK/Save). On that screen, select “SOUND” for File Type parameter, and
then name your file and press the [F6] (Execute) to save the data.
After playing the demos, you will want to load your important data back into the XP-80. To do
so, Press the [DISK], Press the numeric key [1], then [ENTER] to call up the Load display
(DISK/Load). From that screen, select “SOUND” for File Type parameter, and then select your
file and press the [F6] (Execute) to load the data.
For details, refer to p.167 in the XP-80 Owner’s Manual.
Loading Data Needed for the Demos
Insert the “Dance Kit” disk into the disk drive.
Press the [DISK], press the numeric key [1], then [ENTER] to call up the Load display
(DISK/Load). From that screen, select “SOUND” for File Type parameter, and then select the
“DANCEKIT. SVD” and press [F6] (Execute) to load the data.
Keep the disk inserted while listening to the demos.
Playing Back Demo Songs
Press the [SEQUENCER].
Choose a demo song you want to play back and press the [STOP/PLAY].
Playing Back Patterns Using RPS
Press the [SEQUENCER] and choose the RPS demo data you want to play back.
Press the [STOP/PLAY]. Although this won’t cause songs to play, it sets patches in the
Performance and sets the playback tempo of the patterns.
Try pressing the keys and play various patterns. To stop play of the patterns, press the white
key at the far left side (C2).
When finished, press the [STOP/PLAY].
Playing Various Patches
After pressing the [PATCH], select the Patch you wish from the User Group (USER 1-128). To
enable selection from the USER group, press the [PATCH] and press [0] while holding down
the [SHIFT].
Also, try the C1/C2 slider to modify patches. You will see a “*” next to the names of patches
with sounds that you can vary using the sliders.