3 – Before recording–Assignment on the 788
TASCAM 788 Digital PortaStudio 37
Viewing assignments
) key to make the assign map appear on
the display.
The eight tracks and the sub-mixer are shown
along the top of the screen.
The inputs (sources) are shown down the left
side of the screen.
When a source is assigned to a channel, a rect-
angle appears where the row and channel meet
(an arrow shows when the sub-mixer is
assigned to the stereo bus).
2 While you make and remove assignments, the
screen changes to show this.
3 After making and viewing the assignments,
you can press the
HOME/ESC key to return to
the “home” display.
Channel-to-track assignments
With a system consisting of a separate mixer and
recorder, you sometimes need to set up the way in
which the mixer channels will feed the recorder.
With the 788, this is not necessary. Mixer channel 1
is automatically routed to track 1, channel 2 to track
2 and so on.
Track-to-channel assignments
The TRACK key is used to assign recorded tracks to
the mixer channels so that they can be replayed
through the mixer, with all the facilities provided in
each mixer channel (EQ, effect and aux sends, fader
and panning, etc.).
There is only one
TRACK key, which is used to
assign the recorded tracks to the channels.
When you press and hold the
TRACK key, and press
SELECT key of a mixer channel, the track whose
number corresponds to the selected channel is
assigned to that channel. Track 1 is always assigned
to channel 1, track 2 to channel 2, etc.
If you press the
7/8 SELECT key, the appropriate two
tracks will be assigned to the pair.
Assigning inputs to the sub-mixer
The sub-mixer (SUB MIX key) is both an assignment
source and a destination.
As a source, it can only be assigned to the
As a destination, it can be used by the four inputs and
This sub-mixer contains (software) faders for each of
its inputs as well as (software) pan controls.
To assign the inputs to the sub-mixer:
1 Press and hold one of the four
keys or the
The indicator will flash.
2 Press the
SUB MIX key. The indicator will
flash, along with the indicators of all other
inputs that have been assigned to the sub-
Assigning the sub-mixer to stereo
To assign the sub-mixer outputs to the STEREO bus:
1 Press and hold the
SUB MIX key. The indicator
flashes, along with the indicators of any inputs
currently assigned to it,
2 Press the
STEREO key to assign the sub-mixer
outputs to the stereo output bus.
For details of how to use the sub-mixer, see “Sub-
mixer” on page 48.
Remove assignments to and from the sub-mixer in
the same way as you do for other assignments
(“Removing assignments” on page 36)
Channels (destinations)