Tascam 788 Musical Instrument User Manual

10 Routing and scene librariesScene libraries
92 TASCAM 788 Digital PortaStudio
Loading routing settings from the library
You can load previously stored routing settings from
the library while playback is stopped, or while play-
ing back or recording.
Take care when changing routing settings via MIDI control
while playing back or recording, as major changes to the
routing settings may open up some channels and close
others, giving unexpected results, which could result in a
spoiled recording or even damage to monitoring equipment
and your ears.
To load routing settings from a stored library entry:
1 Press the
2 Use the dial to scroll down to the
entry in the list, and press ENTER:
3 Use the dial to scroll to the entry from where
you want to load the new routing settings.
4 Press
ENTER. The settings are loaded and the
display returns to the assign map screen (see
Viewing assignments on page 37), where you
can view the effects of the load.
Scene libraries
The 788 also allows you to load and store up to ten
mixer scenes in a library for each song. These scenes
are stored automatically when the song is saved.
The 788 stores the following mixer settings as part of
a scene:
Input assignment (including virtual track
EQ settings
Effector settings and assignment
Effect and aux send levels
Digital pad/gain
Track cue mixer settings (level and pan)
Fader settings (including the
STEREO fader)
Sub-mixer settings
Since routing is included as part of a mixer scene,
you do not need to store routing assignments sepa-
rately from scenes unless you need to use the routing
assignments in other songs.
Monitor settings (selection and level), and
settings, are not stored as part of a scene.
Saving a scene to the library
You can save to the scene library while playback is
stopped, or while playing back or recording.
To store the current scene settings to a library entry:
1 Press the
2 Use the dial to scroll down to the
entry in the list, and press ENTER:
3 There are two tabs on the top of this display:
READ tab allows you to read scenes from
the library, and the
SAVE tab allows you to
store the current scene to the library. If the
SAVE tab is not highlighted, press the Á key
to highlight it.
4 Use the dial to scroll to the entry where you
want to store the current settings.
You can give a title to the highlighted entry at this point, fol-
lowing the instructions in Entering and editing titles on
page 26.
5 Press ENTER. The scene is saved and the dis-
play returns to the home screen.