Verify Reception. When the transmitter is turned on: (FMR-10)
the RF meter will illuminate, indicating that the receiver is pick
ing up the signal. If thisdoes nothappen, make sure that thetrans
mitter and receiver are set to the same channels.
Unmute the audio by sliding the audio switch (immediately be
low the mic element) towards the windscreen. Speak or sing into
the microphone and you should hear your voice through the PA /
sound system.
Adjustment of the transmitter audio gain - if necessary. The
transmitter audio gain is set to a mid level which should be suit
able for most situations. However, for loud or soft speakers or
singers, anadjustment maybe necessary. First, speak or sing into
the microphone and listen closely. If the gain is too high, you will
hear distortion, and if the gainis too low, the signal will below. In
either situation, an adjustment may be necessary.
To adjust the transmitter gain, gently insert the provided screw-
driver (or other 3/32-in./2.4mm screwdriver) into the hole near
the head of the transmitter (see Figure 12). Turn lightly until the
screwdriver tipdrops into the slot in thelevel control. Gently turn
counterclockwise until the control stops (themic outputis attenu-
ated but not “off”). Slowly turn the mic-level control up while lis-
tening to the audio. If the audio becomes distorted, turn the mic
level control down (counter-clockwise) about 1/8 turn.
Note: Operate withthe transmitter audiogain setas highas possi
ble without distortion, for the best signal to noise ratio.
Test performance. Check to see that the RF meter on the
FMR-10 receiver is illuminated, an indication that the receiver is
picking up the signal. Then, “walk” the intended area of use and
make sure that there are no barriers to reception or sources of in
terference. If problems are encountered, see Troubleshooting