CAUTION: Please make sure that the AC adapter is the cor
rect voltage for your local requirements.
4. ClearScan™: The FMR-10 Wireless system features
ClearScan™. ClearScan™ automates the process of finding a
clear channel to use insetup of your FMR-10 Wireless system. To
use ClearScan™, depress and hold down the set button for 3 sec
onds. When the channel display begins flashing release the set
button. The receiver is now searching for a clear frequency by
measuring the RF energypresent on eachchannel. The entirepro
cess will take about 5 seconds. While scanning, the channel dis
play will show the channel number being scanned. When
ClearScan™ is complete, the display will stop flashingand itwill
display the number of the channel recommended for use.
NOTE: If using more than one FMR-10 system, set up ONE sys-
tem at a time. Turn on the transmitter for the first system, before
using ClearScan™ to set up the second. Please see the “Guide-
line/Recommendations for best performance” section of the
FMR-10 User’s Guide to set up more than two systems.
Setting the Channel: Changing the channel on the receiver can
also be done manually. By momentarily depressing the set but-
ton, the channel number is increased by one.
NOTE: when the system is turned off, the channel number is
saved in non-volatile memory. When the receiver is turned on, it
will return to the same channel number.
Channel Change Lock-out: Once the channel has been set on
the receiver, the FMR-10 system has the capability to deactivate
or lock-outthe channelchange button. This is done by depressing
the set buttonfor 10seconds ormore. Lock-outis activewhen the
decimal point illuminates in the lower right corner of the channel
display. This will defeat the set button. To override or defeat the
lockout function, again depress the set button for 10 seconds. This
will reactivate the channel set button to work normally. This
function canbe useful where unauthorized personnel haveaccess
to the receiver.