Convenient functions during mixdown/bounce operations
Mixdown and bounce operations
AW1600 Owner’s Manual
During mixdown or bouncing, you can watch meters that
indicate the input levels in a single screen. To do so,
repeatedly press the Selected Channel section [VIEW] key
or hold down the [VIEW] key and use the CURSOR [ ]/
[] keys to access the METER page of the VIEW screen.
In the METER page, the display will change depending on
the channel that is currently selected (shown in the upper
left of the screen). Press an [INPUT SEL] key to view the
meters for the input channels/pad channels, or press a
[TRACK SEL] key to view the meters for the track chan-
● If a track channel is selected
● If an input channel/pad channel is selected
1 PEAK button
This button switches the level meter peak hold function
on/off. When this button is on, a indicator will show
the peaks of the level meters, and this indicator will be
held. To reset the indicator, temporarily turn off the PEAK
button. This setting is shared with the BUS page of the
VIEW screen.
B PRE/POST buttons
These buttons select whether the level meters in the
METER page will indicate the pre-fader levels (PRE) or
the post-fader levels (POST). This setting is independent
from the BUS page of the VIEW screen.
C Level meters
These indicate the input level of each channel.
Sometimes you will want to see all mix parameters for a
certain channel in a single screen. To do this, repeatedly
press the Selected Channel section [VIEW] key or hold
down the [VIEW] key and use the CURSOR [ ]/[ ]
keys to access the CH VIEW page of the VIEW screen.
(Some items can also be edited from this page.)
The display in the CH VIEW page will change depending
on the currently selected channel (shown in the upper left
of the screen). Use the [INPUT SEL] keys, pads 1–4,
[TRACK SEL] keys, and [STEREO SEL] key to select the
channel that you want to view.
● If an input channel, pad channel, or track
channel is selected
● If the stereo output channel is selected
1 Pairing
Indicates the pairing status of adjacent odd-numbered/
even-numbered channels. Paired channels are indicated by
a heart-shaped symbol, and unpaired channels are indi-
cated by a broken heart.
Move the cursor here and press the [ENTER] key to
switch pairing on/off.
B ATT knob
Move the cursor to this knob and turn the [DATA/JOG]
dial to adjust the attenuation of the signal over a range of 0
to –96 dB before it enters the EQ. This is the same func-
tion as the ATT. knob in the EDIT page of the EQ screen.
C Phase (except for the stereo output channel)
Move the cursor here and press the [ENTER] key to
switch the phase of the signal between N (Normal) and R
Using meters to check
the level of each channel
1 32
1 32
Viewing all parameters for a
certain channel
•Pairing cannot be switched off for track channels 9/10–15/16, pad
channels 1–4, and the stereo channel.