
Physical Layer Statistics
Table 27 Physical Layer Statistics
Statistic Description
SONET section level BIP errors (B1) Section BIP-8 - bit-interleaved parity code 8 - even parity for
error monitoring
SONET section level BIP errors (B2) Line BIP-8 - line error monitoring
SONET section level BIP errors (B3) Path BIP-8 - path error monitoring
SONET loss of signal state (LOS) Loss of signal. The loss of signal defect is declared when no
transitions are detected on the incoming signal (before
descrambling). The LOS defect is detected upon observing 2.3
to 100 microseconds of no transitions. The defect is cleared
after a 125 microsecond interval (one frame) during which no
LOS defect is detected.
SONET loss of frame state (LOF) Loss of frame. A loss of frame defect is declared when an
OOF/SEF defect persists for a period of 3 milliseconds. The
LOF defect is terminated when the incoming signal remains
continuously in-frame for a period of 1 ms to 3 ms.
SONET loss of pointer state (LOP) Loss of pointer. A loss of pointer defect is declared when
either a valid pointer is not detected in eight consecutive
frames, or when eight consecutive frames are detected with
the New Data Flag (NDF) set to “1001” without a valid
concatenation indicator. A LOP defect is terminated when
either a valid pointer with a normal NDF set to “0110”, or a
valid concatenation indicator is detected for three contiguous
SONET out of cell delineation state (OCD)
SONET path alarm indication signal state (Path AIS)
SONET line alarm indication signal state (Line AIS)
The AIS is an all-ONES characteristic or adapted information
signal. It is generated to replace the normal traffic signal
when it contains a defect condition in order to prevent
consequential downstream failures being declared or alarms
being raised.
AIS can also be identified as:
- AIS-L (Line Alarm Indication Signal)
- SP-AIS (STS Path Alarm Indication Signal)
- VP-AIS (VT Path Alarm Indication Signal)
SONET line remote defect indication state (Line RDI)
SONET path remote defect indication state (Path RDI)
A signal returned to the transmitting Terminating Equipment
upon detecting a Loss of Signal, Loss of Frame, or AIS defect.
RDI was previously known as FERF.
RDI can also be identified as:
- RDI-L (Line Remote Defect Indication)
- RDI-P (STS Path Remote Defect Indication)
- RDI-V (VT Path Remote Defect Indication)