134 Chapter 3
Programming Examples
Saving Binary Trace Data in an ASCII File
/*print message to the standard output*/
printf("Getting the spectrum trace in binary format...\nPlease wait...\n\n");
/* get number of bytes in length of postceeding trace data
and put this in sBuffer*/
viRead (viVSA,(ViBuf)sBuffer,2,&lBytesRetrieved);
/* Put the trace data into sBuffer */
viRead (viVSA,(ViBuf)sBuffer,sBuffer[1] - ’0’,&lBytesRetrieved);
/* append a null to sBuffer */
sBuffer[lBytesRetrieved] = 0;
/* convert sBuffer from ASCII to integer */
lNumberBytes = atoi(sBuffer);
/*calculate the number of points given the number of byte in the trace
REAL 64 binary format means each number is represented by 8 bytes*/
lNumberPoints = lNumberBytes/sizeof(ViReal64);
/*get and save trace in data array */
viRead (viVSA,(ViBuf)adTraceArray,lNumberBytes,&lBytesRetrieved);
/* read the terminator character and discard */
viRead (viVSA,(ViBuf)sBuffer,1, &lLength);
/* loop until all errors read */
viPrintf (viVSA,"SYST:ERR?\n"); /* check for errors */
viRead (viVSA,(ViBuf)sBuffer,80,&lLength);/* read back last error message */
sBuffer[lLength] = 0; /* append a null to byte count */
printf("%s\n",sBuffer); /* print error buffer to display */
} while (sBuffer[1] != ’0’);