Chapter 3 149
Programming Examples
Using C Programming Over Socket LAN
* E4406A Examples:
* Query the center frequency:
* lanio ’sens:freq:cent?’
* Query X and Y values of marker 1 and marker 2 (assumes they are on):
* lanio my4406 ’calc:spec:mark1:x?;y?; :calc:spec:mark2:x?;y?’
* Check for errors (gets one error):
* lanio my4406 ’syst:err?’
* Send a list of commands from a file, and number them:
* cat scpi_cmds | lanio -n my4406
* This program compiles and runs under
* - HP-UX 10.20 (UNIX), using HP cc or gcc:
* + cc -Aa -O -o lanio lanio.c
* + gcc -Wall -O -o lanio lanio.c
* - Windows 95, using Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0 Standard Edition
* - Windows NT 3.51, using Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0
* + Be sure to add WSOCK32.LIB to your list of libraries!
* + Compile both lanio.c and getopt.c
* + Consider re-naming the files to lanio.cpp and getopt.cpp
* Considerations:
* - On UNIX systems, file I/O can be used on network sockets.
* This makes programming very convenient, since routines like
* getc(), fgets(), fscanf() and fprintf() can be used. These
* routines typically use the lower level read() and write() calls.
* - In the Windows environment, file operations such as read(), write(),
* and close() cannot be assumed to work correctly when applied to
* sockets. Instead, the functions send() and recv() MUST be used.