
318 Chapter 5
Language Reference
SENSe Subsystem
For 600 Ohms:
3.8. 9.8, or 15.8 dBm
60.0, 54.0, 48.0, or 41.9 dBmV
0.0017, 0.00042, 0.0001, or 0.000026 W
For 1 M Ohm:
Values for 1 M Ohm vary according to selected
reference impedance.
Default Units: DBM
Remarks: You must be in the Basic, W-CDMA, cdma2000 mode to
use this command. Use INSTrument:SELect to set the
History: Added revision A.05.00
Baseband I/Q - Select I/Q Voltage Range
[:SENSe]:VOLTage:IQ:RANGe[:UPPer] <level>
Selects upper voltage range when I or Q port is selected. This setting
helps set the gain which is generated in the variable gain block of the
baseband IQ board to improve dynamic range.
Range: 1.0, 0.5, .025, or 0.125 volts
Default Units: V
Remarks: You must be in the Basic, W-CDMA, cdma2000 mode to
use this command. Use INSTrument:SELect to set the
History: Added revision A.05.00
Channel Commands
Select the ARFCNAbsolute RF Channel Number
[:SENSe]:CHANnel:ARFCn|RFCHannel <integer>
Set the analyzer to a frequency that corresponds to the ARFCN
(Absolute RF Channel Number).
Factory Preset
and *RST: 38
Range: 0 to 124, and 975 to 1023 for E-GSM
1 to 124 for P-GSM
0 to 124, and 955 to 1023 for R-GSM