
348 Chapter 5
Language Reference
SENSe Subsystem
For bursty signals, auto-peak lock ranging should not be used.
The measurement will fail to operate, since the wrong (locked)
ADC range will be chosen often and overloads will occur in the
M6 - manually selects an ADC range that subtracts 6 dB of fixed
gain across the range. Manual ranging is best for CW signals.
P0 to 24 - manually selects ADC ranges that add 0 to 24 dB of fixed
gain across the range. Manual ranging is best for CW signals.
Factory Preset
and *RST: APEak
Remarks: To use this command, the appropriate mode should be
selected with INSTrument:SELect.
SpectrumAverage Clear
The average data is cleared and the average counter is reset.
Remarks: To use this command, the appropriate mode should be
selected with INSTrument:SELect.
SpectrumNumber of Averages
[:SENSe]:SPECtrum:AVERage:COUNt <integer>
Set the number of sweeps that will be averaged. After the specified
number of sweeps (average counts), the averaging mode (terminal
control) setting determines the averaging action.
Factory Preset
and *RST: 25
Range: 1 to 10,000
Remarks: To use this command, the appropriate mode should be
selected with INSTrument:SELect.
SpectrumAveraging State
[:SENSe]:SPECtrum:AVERage[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Turn averaging on or off.