Chapter 5 195
Language Reference
CALCulate Subsystem
Baseband IQ Commands
BbIQ in Spectrum - I/Q Marker Query
:CALCulate:SPECtrum:MARKer:IQ [1]|2|3|4:?
Reads out current I and Q marker values when spectrum mode is
Remarks: Implemented for BASIC and W-CDMA modes.
History: Version A.05.00 or later
Baseband IQ in Waveform - I/Q Marker Query
:CALCulate:WAVeform:MARKer:IQ [1]|2|3|4:?
Reads out current I and Q marker values when waveform is selected.
Remarks: Implemented for BASIC and W-CDMA modes.
History: Version A.05.00 or later
Test Current Results Against all Limits
Queries the status of the current measurement limit testing. It returns
a 0 if the measured results pass when compared with the current limits.
It returns a 1 if the measured results fail any limit tests.
Data Query
Returns the designated measurement data for the currently selected
measurement and sub-opcode.
n = any valid sub-opcode for the current measurement. See the
“MEASure Group of Commands” on page 255 for information on the
data that can be returned for each measurement.
For sub-opcodes that return trace data use the
:CALCulate:DATA[n]:COMPress? command below.