Quick-Reference Summaries
E-6 Issue 2 November 1996
Table E-3. S-Register Summary
Register Description Range/Unit
S0 Ring to answer on. 000-255 count
S1 Incoming ring count. 000-255 count
S2 Escape sequence character. 000-127 ASCII
S3 Carriage return character. 000-127 ASCII
S4 Line feed character. 000-127 ASCII
S5 Backspace character. 000-032, 127 ASCII
S6 Blind dial delay for voice calls. 000-255 seconds
S7 Wait time for call completion. 001-255 seconds
S8 Duration of delay for pauses. 000-255 seconds
S9 Carrier Detect Response time. 000-255 0.1 seconds
S10 Delay between lost line and hang up. 000-255 0.1 seconds
S11 DTMF tone duration. 000-255 milliseconds
S12 Escape sequence guard time. 000-255 0.02 seconds
S13 Not used. —
S14 Bit-mapped options (see Appendix C). 00-FF hex.
S15 Not used. —
S16 Test function status (see Appendix C). 00-FF hex.
S17 Not used. —
S18 Diagnostic test duration timer. 000-255 seconds
S19 Not used. —
S20 Not used. —
S21 Bit-mapped options (see Appendix C). 00-FF hex.
S22 Bit-mapped options (see Appendix C). 00-FF hex.
S23 Bit-mapped options (see Appendix C). 00-FF hex.
S24 Installation options (see Chapter 2). 00-FF hex.
S25 DTR change detect time. 000-255 0.01 seconds
S26 RTS to CTS delay interval. 000-255 0.01 seconds
S27 Bit-mapped options (see Appendix C). 00-FF hex.