Data Operation
Issue 2 November 1996
Possible Display Problems
If the response from the remote end is unintelligible “garbage,” chances are that
the speed or parity bit selection is incorrect. In this case, assuming that your
terminal device allows, the parameters may be corrected without disconnecting
the call. Otherwise, you must disconnect, correct the parameters, and then try
the call again.
Disconnecting a Data Call
Most remote systems will have a command or menu selection for logging off.
When you select the appropriate means, the remote system will disconnect or
hang up. The PBX will disconnect the call and, after a moment, the 8400B Plus
Data Module will send the following message to your display:
Alternatively, you can use the following disconnect procedure:
Selection: +++
The prompt Selection: is simply a representation of how the remote system
might ask you for your next command or menu selection. Type the escape
sequence (default is +++) but do not press
. (Pause before typing +++ ,
type +++ quickly, and then pause again after typing +++.) When the 8400B Plus
Data Module responds with OK, type the command line:
The PBX will disconnect from the remote end device, and the 8400B Plus Data
Module will send the OK message to the terminal display.