Voice Operations
Issue 2 November 1996
The P dial modifier must be included to tell the 8400B Plus Data Module that the
call is a voice call. If an attempt to dial a voice call is made using more than one
dial command on a command line, the first dial command will be accepted and
the second dial command may be discarded. After dialing the call, the 8400B
Plus Data Module automatically returns to the command mode.
A second voice call can be made from your PC by manually placing the first call
on HOLD, and then entering a dial command for the second call. Any attempt to
dial a second voice call while the first call is being dialed will be ignored.
Dialing Delay
To ensure that dialing does not begin before dial tone is received, dialing a voice
call will be delayed by the time stored in S-register S6 (Wait Time Before Blind
Dialing) and can be set to a maximum value of 255 seconds. The factory setting
of two seconds for S-register S6 is adequate for most calls.
Dialing Pause
A pause for second dial tone is normally required for calls outside the PBX. This
can be provided by including a comma between the outside line prefix (for
example, 9) and the first digit of the telephone number to be dialed. The comma
instructs the 8400B Plus Data Module, after dialing the prefix number, to pause
a fixed time before dialing the first digit of the telephone number. The pause
time is stored in S-register S8 (Duration of Delay For Comma Dial Modifier) and
can be set for any value up to a maximum of 255 seconds. The factory setting of
two seconds is adequate for most applications and should not be changed. If
added delay is required, additional commas can be added to the number.