AT Command Set
A-6 Issue 2 November 1996
Command: D
Function: Dial a call.
Type: immediate
Arguments: The D command requires an ASCII character string to
specify the telephone number to be dialed as follows:
■ For voice calls, the valid characters are limited to *
and #, and digits 0 through 9. Voice dial commands
with invalid characters are accepted and the invalid
characters are ignored; only the valid characters are
■ For data calls, the character string may include any
ASCII character with the following restrictions:
— If the letter T (uppercase or lowercase) is typed
as the first character following the D command,
or as the first character of a stored number when
AT does not follow the D command, the 8400B
Plus Data Module will delete the character.
For example, if you want your dial string to be the
mnemonic “TEXAS,” you must type the T twice
(the first T may be uppercase or lowercase),
producing the command line:
Table A-1. Accepted AT Command Labels — Continued
Label Description