Configuration and Operation
3-6 Issue 2 November 1996
Sample Command Lines
This section presents a few sample AT command lines with explanations of the
results they will produce.
EXAMPLE 1: Checking if your terminal is communicating with the 8400B Plus
Data Module.
Remember, the two characters of the AT command prefix must be typed
as either both uppercase or both lowercase. That is, you can type either
at or AT, but At or aT will not work.
If everything is operating properly, the command should appear on the screen
as you type it, and the 8400B Plus Data Module should respond with OK.
EXAMPLE 2: Using a time saver.
The A/ command tells the 8400B Plus Data Module to repeat the last command
line exactly. If you had issued the command to dial a number and the 8400B
Plus Data Module returned the message BUSY, you could type the A/
command to try the number again.
The A/ command must be the only command on the command line, and
you do not press
to complete the line.