D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 5.0 RADXSKED EN | 104
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
Holiday Indexes for User Group Windows
You can enable up to four Holiday Indexes to use
with User Group Windows. Enable at least one
Holiday Index if
UW# Xept Holiday
programmed Yes for this user window, or if you
want this window to activate only on specific dates.
Holidays are programmed in Section 5.3 Holiday
Indexes of the program.
UW# Xept Holiday
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Determine if the window is disabled on holidays, or
is active only on holidays. Use the instructions
provided in the
W# Xept Holiday
prompt in
5.1.1 Opening and Closing.
UW# Holiday 1
Default: No
Yes or No
UW# Holiday 2
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
UW# Holiday 3
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
UW# Holiday 4
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
5.2 Skeds
Use the Skeds module to program the control panel
to automatically execute functions that are otherwise
initiated by the end user at the command center.
Each sked can be programmed to occur at a specific
time on a specific date or day of the week. Up to 40
Skeds can be programmed.
A sked can be edited from the command center if
S## Time Edit?
is Yes. The date and time can be
changed using the Change Sked? function.
Each sked number can be programmed with one of
24 functions for the
S## Function Code
. A function
is executed. In addition to the function, a choice
must be made as to what is affected by the function
(for example, when choosing a Disarm Sked, the
disarming is the function while the areas that are
being chosen to become disarmed are what is
The functions and their associated parameters are
listed in the Sked Function Code Table in the
Program Record Sheet, and they are explained in detail
following the
S## Function Code
prompt in this
Each sked can be programmed with up to four
Holiday Indexes. The Holiday Indexes can be used
to execute the sked on the holidays in addition to
the date or day(s) of the week, or, they can be used
to prevent the sked from executing on the holidays
S## Xept Holiday
prompt in this section
Sked Number
Default: 1
Selection: 1 to 40
Enter the number of the sked you are programming.
S## TimeEdit
Default: Yes
Selection: Yes or No
The user can edit the time of this sked
from the command center and it
appears in the CHG SKED display.
No The user cannot edit the time of this
sked from the command center and it
does NOT appear in the CHG SKED
Select whether the user can edit the time of this sked
from the command center.