D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 4.0 RADXPNTS EN | 79
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
P ##
Keyswitch Maintained: Program Point Response as 1. Do not connect initiating devices to a
Keyswitch point.
The area is disarmed.
When this point changes from normal to open, the area arms.
A short is a trouble when the area is disarmed. A short is an alarm when the area is
armed. When this point changes from shorted to normal or open, it restores.
Program Point Response as 2, the point responds as follows:
When this point changes from open to normal, the area arms.
The area is disarmed.
A short is a trouble when the area is disarmed. A short is an alarm when the area is
armed. When this point changes from shorted to normal or open, it restores.
Trouble and Restoral Reports are not sent if
Local While Disarmed
is Yes.
Alarm and Restoral Reports are not sent if
Local While Armed
is Yes.
Keyswitch Momentary: Used for area arming and disarming.
Point Response
must be
programmed 1. Do not connect initiating devices to a Keyswitch point.
When this point momentarily changes from normal to shorted to normal, it toggles
the armed state of the area.
An open is a trouble while the point is disarmed. An open is an alarm while the
point is armed.
When this point changes from open to normal, it restores.
Trouble and Restoral Reports are not sent if
Local Disarmed
is Yes.
Open/Close Point:
Used for point arming and disarming.
Point Response
must be programmed 1.
Local bells are silenced through the command center.
The point is armed and sends a Point Closing Report. A Point Closing Report is not
sent if Local Armed is Yes.
An open is an alarm when the point is armed. An open is a trouble when the point
is disarmed. Alarm and Restoral Reports are not sent if
Local Disarmed
is Yes.
The point is disarmed and sends a Point Opening Report. A Point Opening Report
is not sent if
Local Armed
is Yes.
Keyswitch Points. Special rules apply to points used for Keyswitch functions.
These special point types do not respond
the same way to the point response entry as Point Types 1, 2, and 3. Responses for keyswitch point types are described in
Section 4.1.1 Point Responses.