D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 4.0 RADXPNTS EN | 87
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
* Restoral Reports are still transmitted if the alarm,
trouble, or bypass (by Sked, RAM, or Swinger bypass)
condition occurred when the area disarmed, and the
point restored.
Allows a controlled point (P## Type 1, 2, 3), to
report Alarms, Troubles, and Restoral Reports only
when the area is disarmed. This prompt does not
affect local annunciation.
Local While Armed suppresses all reports
from 24-hour points. Do not use P## Type
0 for this prompt. This only works for
disarmed points. Type 0 is a 24-hour
always armed point. Choose any Type
other than 0, and use a point response
that reports an alarm whether the point is
armed or not. For instance, P## Type 1
and P## Response 9 reports an alarm on
a trouble or a short whether the area is
disarmed or not.
Local While Armed affects Keyswitch
Points. This prompt suppresses keyswitch
(alarms/troubles/restorals) and D279
(opening/closing/troubles/restorals). Do
not use this parameter for controlled
points that arm/disarm.
P## Disable Rst
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Yes Enable Restoral Reports form this
Disable Restoral Reports from this
* Restoral Reports are still transmitted if the alarm,
trouble, or bypass (by sked, RAM, or Swinger bypass)
condition occurred when the area disarmed, and the
point restored.
Use this option to disable any Restoral Reports from
this point after it returns to normal from an alarm or
trouble condition.
P## FA Retrnable
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Yes This point automatically returns to the
system when it restores to normal.
This point stays out of the system until
the area is disarmed.
Use this option to allow points that were force
armed out of the area to return back to the armed
state once they become normal again without having
to disarm the system.
Use on loading dock doors, which must be
left open until loading is completed. Once
the loading dock door is closed, the point
detects any subsequent opening and
reports an alarm.
P## BP Retrnable
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
This point automatically returns to the
system when the area is disarmed.
No This point stays out of the system
through arming and disarming cycles.
Use this option to return a point that was bypassed,
force armed, or swinger bypassed back into the
system once the area this point is assigned to is
Turn this item to No for Interlock points.
When the point cannot return to the
system through disarming, the point must
be manually unbypassed using the
Unbypass?, command center function,
Sked Functions 4 and 5 or remotely
unbypassed using RAM.
For Force Armed points to remain
bypassed, ensure P## FA Retrnable is