D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 9000MAIN EN | 26
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
For example, the phone number 2773074***CC
(7 digit pager phone number followed by three
asterisks and two pauses) produces the following
pager display: [1234-001-011] (three fields display at
the pager).
Table 20 shows the description of each event, its
priority, and event number.
Table 20: Event Descriptions, Priorities, and
Event Description
Fire Alarm 001 011
Fire Restoral (after Alarm, Supervision) 005 014
Fire Missing 005 013
Fire Trouble 005 012
Fire Supervision 005 124
Fire Restoral (after Tbl, Msg, Bypass) 005 015
Fire Cancel 004 027
Fire Supervision Missing 005 146
Fire Supervision Restore 005 123
Alarm Report 003 016
Burg Restore 006 018
Duress 002 004
Missing Alarm 006 019
User Code Tamper 008 055
Trouble Report 006 017
Missing Trouble 008 020
Non-Fire Supervision 006 078
Point Bus Fail 006 024
Point Bus Restoral 006 091
Non-Fire Cancel 004 045
Alarm Restore 006 026
Supervision Missing 008 147
Unverified Event 006 169
Point Bypass/Command Bypass 007 007
Forced Point 007 008
Point Opening 008 021
Point Closing 008 022
Was Force Armed 007 034
Fail To Open 008 040
Fail To Close 008 041
Extend Close Time 008 044
Opening Report 008 047
Forced Close 007 048
Closing Report 008 050
Table 20: continued
Event Description
Forced Close Perim Instant 007 084
Forced Close Perim Delay 007 085
Perimeter Instant Armed 008 088
Perimeter Delay Armed 008 089
Send User Text n/a n/a
S: Alarm n/a n/a
S: Trouble n/a n/a
S: Supervision n/a n/a
Status Report 008 035
S: Open n/a n/a
S: Close n/a n/a
Test Report 008 051
S: Perimeter Instant n/a n/a
S: Perimeter Delay n/a n/a
S: Fire Supervision n/a n/a
S: Fire Alarm n/a n/a
S: Fire Trouble n/a n/a
S: Missing Fire (Trouble) n/a n/a
S: Missing Burglary ((Trouble) n/a n/a
S: Missing Burglary (Alarm) n/a n/a
S: Fire Supervision Missing n/a n/a
S: Burglary Supervision Missing n/a n/a
S: Door Left Open n/a n/a
SDI Device Failure* 004 070
SDI Device Restoral* 008 071
Watchdog Reset 004 077
Parameter Checksum Fail n/a n/a
Reboot 008 082
Phone Line Fail 004 068
Phone Line Restoral 008 069
AC Failure 004 072
AC Restoral 008 073
Battery Missing 004 074
Battery Low 004 075
Battery Restoral 008 076
Route Comm Fail 004 066
Route Comm Restore 008 067
Checksum Fail n/a n/a
Sensor Reset 007 031
Relay Set 007 032
Relay Reset 007 033
Sked Executed 007 057
Sked Changed 007 058
Fail to Execute 008 151
Event Log Threshold 008 052
Event Log Overflow 008 053
* SDI Device number is not reported when using pager format.