D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 6.0 RADXAUX1 EN | 124
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
This prompt and the next two prompts determine
how the SDI Path is supervised between the SDI
device and the central station(s). Do not confuse with
the supervision of the SDI device (the connection of
the SDI device to the 9000 series control panel).
Each SDI Path can be configured to transmit a
Heartbeat Event to the central station for supervision
purposes. This ensures the integrity of the
connection at all times.
When sending reports to a central station
receiver over a network path, this
programming prompt must be set to a non-
zero value. Failure to program a value into
this field could prevent a failed network
communications path from restoring back
to normal.
If the control panel is programmed to send
Heartbeat Events to the central station,
consider the frequency. If the poll rate to
the central station is less than 60 seconds,
the connection with RPS over a LAN or
WAN becomes increasingly difficult the
lower the poll rate is set.
The control panel readjusts the poll rate if it
is less than 300 seconds to a temporary
poll rate of 300 seconds when online with
RPS. The poll rate returns to the
programmed value after the RPS session is
Each time the SDI Path sends this Heartbeat Event,
it expects an acknowledgement within the amount of
time programmed in
Path # Ack Wait
. If the
acknowledgement is not received, the control panel
checks to see if the
Path # Retry Count
entry is
greater than 0. If so, the control panel retries the
number of times programmed (in
Path # Retry
) to send the Heartbeat Event before declaring
the Path as failed and generating a COMM FAIL
SDI ## (Path 1 = SDI 88, Path 2 = SDI 89, Path 3 =
SDI 90, Path 4 = SDI 91) Event. If Poll Rate is
programmed with a value and the central station
does not acknowledge the poll from the control
panel, command centers do not annunciate a trouble
condition. To transmit this event to the central
station, see the
Comm Fail
prompt in Section 2.13.2
Panel-Wide Relays.
Example of Heartbeat:
Path # Poll Rate
is set to 120 seconds
Path # Ack Wait
time is set to 10 seconds
Path # Retry Count
is set to 2
When the control panel first powers up, the first
Heartbeat Event for Path 1 is sent and is
acknowledged in 1 second. 120 seconds after the
first Heartbeat Event is sent, the second Heartbeat
Event for Path 1 is generated and sent to the central
Example of Retry Count:
An acknowledgement of the heartbeat was not
received in 10 seconds. The Heartbeat Event re-
sends after the first 10 second ack wait period
expires. If this Heartbeat Event is not acknowledged,
the control panel declares this path as failed (and
generates the Comm Fail ## Event). It continues to
re-send the Heartbeat Event every 10 seconds until
it is acknowledged.
Figure 10: Poll Rate Timeline
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210
1 - Control panel powered up
2 - Acknowledgement received
3 - Heartbeat Event sent
4 - Second Heartbeat Event sent
5 - No acknowledgement, Heartbeat re-sent, retry #1
6 - No acknowledgement, Heartbeat re-sent, retry #2
7 - Path declared as failed
8 - 10-second interval
9 - Additional Heartbeats sent every 10 seconds until