ICP-CC488 | Installation Guide | 4.0 Remote Radio Transmitter Operations EN | 20
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
Table 15: Fault Analysis Conditions
Zone Indicator Fault Description Hold Down Button Zone Indicator Fault Condition
1 System fault 1 1 Low battery
2 Date and time
3 RF receiver jamming
RF receiver tamper switch
RF receiver communications fail
4 Horn speaker
5 Telephone line fail
6 EEPROM fail
7 AUX Power Supply fail
2 RF low battery 2 1 to 16 Zones 1 to 16 RF low battery
3 Zone Tamper Alarm 3 1 to 16 Zones 1 to 16 Tamper Alarm
4 Sensor watch fail 4 1 to 16 Zones 1 to 16 sensor watch fail
5 RF sensor watch 5 1 to 16 Zones 1 to 16 RF sensor watch fail
6 Communications fail 6 1 Receiver 1 fail
2 Receiver 2 fail
4.0 Remote Radio Transmitter
The ICP-CC488 Control Panel can be remotely
operated using hand-held remote radio transmitters.
You can use either a 2-button or a 4-button hand-
held transmitter to operate the system.
Figure 7: RF3332: 2-Button Keyfob
1 – Arm button
2 – Disarm button
3 – Arm and Disarm buttons: Press both buttons
at same time for 2 sec to send a Panic alarm
Figure 8: RF3334: 4-Button Keyfob
1 – Arm button
2 – Disarm button
3 – Option 1 button
4 – Option 2 button.
5 – Arm and Disarm buttons: Press both buttons
at same time for 2 sec to send a Panic alarm
The 2-button and 4-button hand-held transmitters
can remotely arm and disarm the system in AWAY
Mode or STAY Mode 1, and can activate remote
Panic Alarms. The 4-button hand-held transmitter
has the added ability to operate the control panel’s
programmable outputs to activate a garage door or
outside lights, for example.