
ICP-CC488 | Installation Guide | 5.0 System Functions EN | 27
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
5.2 Master Code Functions
Master Code functions allow those users that have
the appropriate priority level to perform certain
supervisory level functions. You can use these
functions only when the system is disarmed.
The default Master Code (User Code 1) is
2580. It is possible to program multiple
Master Codes. Refer to Section 13.3
User Code Priority for more information.
To access a Master Code function, enter the Master
Code and press the corresponding function digit and
the [AWAY] button. The Master Code functions are
listed in Table 26.
Table 26: Master Code Functions
Function Description
Arm or disarm both areas at the same time
(Refer to Section 5.2.1)
Add, change, and delete User
Codes/Remote Radio User Codes
(Sections 5.2.2 and 5.2.3)
Change domestic phone numbers
(Section 5.2.4)
Change Telco Arm/Disarm Sequence
(Section 5.2.5)
Set zones for STAY Mode 2
(Section 5.2.6)
Turn outputs on and off
(Section 5.2.7)
Set the date and time
(Section 5.2.8)
Walk Test Mode
(Section 5.2.9)
Event Memory Recall Mode
(Section 5.2.10)
5.2.1 Arm or Disarm Both Areas at the Same
This Master Code function only operates with
partitioned ICP-CC488 systems and allows Master
Codes allocated to both Area 1 and Area 2 to arm or
disarm both areas at the same time.
This feature allows a Master Code holder to arm or
disarm the system by pressing one extra button
rather than entering a code twice. You can use either
the CP5 Area Addressable Codepad (CP500A) or the
Master Partitioned Codepad (CP500P) with this
function. To enable this feature, select Option 2 in
Location 501 (refer to Section 19.3.2 Partitioning
Options 2).
To arm or disarm both areas at the same time:
Enter your Master Code and press [0][AWAY]. Two
beeps sound and both areas are armed or disarmed
from AWAY Mode.
5.2.2 Changing and Deleting User Codes
This function allows a Master Code holder to change
or delete a User Code.
When using a partitioned ICP-CC488 Control Panel,
the Master Code holder cannot add, change, or
delete User Codes unless the User Code is allocated
to the same area as the Master Code. Refer to Section
13.3 User Code Priority for more information.
1. Enter your Master Code and press [1][AWAY].
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
2. Enter the number of the code (1 to 8) you want
to change and press [AWAY].
Two beeps sound and the corresponding zone
indicator lights. Refer to Table 27 on page 28.
3. Enter the new code and press [AWAY].
Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators are extinguished.
4. Repeat this procedure to change other User
This function is automatically terminated if
you do not press a button within 60 sec
or if you press [AWAY].
One long beep indicates that the code
already exists or you entered an incorrect
user number.
To program User Code number 2 as 4627, enter:
[2 5 8 0 1][AWAY][2][AWAY][4 6 2 7][AWAY]
To delete a User Code:
1. Enter your Master Code and press [1][AWAY].
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
2. Enter the number of the code (1 to 8) you want
to delete and press [AWAY].
Two beeps sound and the corresponding zone
indicator lights. Refer to Table 27.
3. Press [STAY] to delete the User Code.
Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators are extinguished.
4. Repeat this procedure to delete other User
This function terminates automatically if
you do not press a button within 60 sec
or if you press [AWAY].
One long beep indicates that the code
already exists or that you entered an
incorrect user number.